Numbers one through nine are written out; 10 and up are digits. This can be confusing because you can switch between writing out numbers and digits in the same sentence. EXAMPLE: There are eight ...
(5 Changes That Matter From The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th Edition.) Many websites and magazines open to freelance contributors ask for articles submitted to adhere to AP style for the sake of ...
When reading The Globe and content from other media outlets, does it seem like they use specific spellings for every word? Or refuse to use certain words? Or maybe you’ve noticed that numbers are ...
AP policy is to use “Dreamers” only in direct quotes or with quote marks for the purpose of explaining the term, such as, “They are commonly referred to as ‘Dreamers,’ based on never-passed proposals ...
However, we depart from AP style in a few cases. Please check our list of those ... However, this guide is not intended to replace other writing style guides used for specific purposes or for ...
While Miami offers an A.B. (the traditional Latin translation of artium baccalaureus), follow AP Style and use Bachelor of Arts. See AP Stylebook entry "academic degrees" for additional information.