In Elden Ring, Sacred Blade is an Ash of War best wielded by Holy and Faith builds. This one comes equipped with Sacred Blade skill that allows players to fire Golden Blade projectiles with the ...
The armament retains its holy essence for awhile. Powered by: Sacred Blade is a regular Skill in Elden Ring. It can be found in Ashes of War and used on many types of armaments, granting a holy ...
Elden Ring Nightreign is nearly here, and while the play test had some problems, it's well on its way to becoming a great ...
Elden Ring Nightreign is seemingly bringing back old Soulsborne bosses. Here are the ten we'd love to face one again.
Malenia is a two-phase Demigod boss fight in Elden Ring. You will encounter her near the roots of the Haligtree and in the first phase she will be called Blade of Miquella, while in the second ...
As mentioned, the Maliketh boss fight in Elden Ring has two phases. The Black Blade’s movesets are completely different from the Beast Clergyman’s which is why you will have to adjust your ...
Elden Ring players can acquire several new Spirit Ashes in Shadow of the Erdtree. Here's how to get the Spider Scorpion Ashes. What you’re looking for is an enemy encampment located on an ...
Sacred Ash of War Useable on usable on melee armaments (whips, fists, and claws excepted) Grants armament's attacks holy essence and fires off a golden blade projectile.