The Beat” anchor Ari Melber saw an eerie parallel between Trump’s second term and an episode of the animated comedy.
Sunday's upcoming episode of the long-running cartoon, titled "The Sound of Bleeding Gums," will follow Lisa Simpson as she chases down the deaf son of her favorite saxophone player, Bleeding Gums ...
For many, one of them is an ultra-violent cartoon called The ... at least until Bart and Lisa get involved. One of the best Simpsons predictions episodes, "The Day the Violence Died" has the ...
Upon re-watching “Bart to the Future”, the seventeenth episode ... Simpsons‘ eleventh season recently, the reality sunk in that we were so close to our first female president. Watching Lisa ...
There's a scene in Season 7, Episode 5 of the eternal animated sitcom "The Simpsons" in which perpetual 8-year-old Lisa Simpson announces to her family that she will no longer eat meat of any kind.
One of the central contradictions behind the Fox media empire was pointed out by Lisa Simpson in the 2007 "Simpsons" episode "You Kent ... bottom of the screen in a cartoon because it might ...