"The Matrix Resurrections" initially premiered in theaters and on HBO Max in December 2021, but its HBO Max run only lasted 30 days. As of May 10, the movie is back on the streaming service for ...
Agent Smith was a pivotal part of the first three Matrix movies, and his character won’t be easy to replace (or bring back) ...
Only members of the ad-free plan will be able to stream "The Matrix Resurrections" when it's released on December 22. Hulu subscribers can claim a one-week free trial of the HBO Max add-on ...
Stream The Matrix Resurrections on Max. After a relatively bloodless finale, it's possible that most members of The Matrix ...
Once upon a time, the streaming service was where you could stream blockbusters like Dune (Part One) and The Matrix Resurrections on the same day they landed in theaters, but that era long gone.
Suffering from palpable delusions, burnt-out Thomas Anderson, the award-winning creator of The Matrix (1999) video game series, now relies on potent blue pills to keep his inner demons at bay.
The most recent Matrix movie was The matrix: Resurrections which was released in 2021. Starring Reeves as Neo and Carrie-Anne ...
Fans of The Matrix can add all four movies on 4K Blu-ray to their collection for cheap right now. Amazon and Walmart have The ...
2003’s “The Matrix Reloaded” and “The Matrix Revolutions” and 2021’s “The Matrix Resurrections,” and counting. Meanwhile, ...
In a surprise piece of news, Will Smith took to social media to share a new video that has many thinking he just teased a ...