Rafał Mańko (Central European University, Democracy Institute) has posted Towards an Ideological History of Private Law or What Legal History Can Gain from Critical Legal Theory on SSRN. Here is the ...
Sooner or later, most law students encounter the idea that "transparency" (as opposed to "opaqueness") is (all else being equal) a desirable characteristic in markets, procedures, and governance ...
The Download of the Week is The Supreme Court’s Crisis of Authority: Law, Politics, and the Judiciary Act of 1925 by Robert Post. Here is the abstract: This paper is written for a forthcoming ...
Rafał Mańko (Central European University, Democracy Institute) has posted Legal Transplants, Legal Survivals and Legal Revivals: Towards a Reconceptualisation of the Circulation of Legal Forms in Time ...
Robert Post (Yale University - Law School) has posted The Supreme Court’s Crisis of Authority: Law, Politics, and the Judiciary Act of 1925 on SSRN. Here is the abstract: This paper is written for a ...
Steven Arrigg Koh (Boston University School of Law) has posted Law's Duality on SSRN. Here is the abstract: Frédéric Mégret's engaging contribution, A Look Back at The Women's Hague Peace Conference: ...
Belisa Pang (Yale University - Law School), Dalié Jiménez (University of California, Irvine School of Law; Harvard Law School - Center on the Legal Profession), & Matthew A. Bruckner (Howard ...
Philip N. Pettit (Princeton University; Australian National University (ANU) - Research School of Social Sciences (RSSS)) has posted Dispersing Power within the State on SSRN. Here is the abstract: It ...
George Letsas (University College London - Faculty of Laws) has posted Structural Injustice and The Law: A Philosophical Framework on SSRN. Here is the abstract: What is the role of law in injustices ...
Leah Trueblood (Worcester College) has posted Public Functions of Political Parties in the United Kingdom on SSRN. Here is the abstract: Political parties are both private and public bodies. Some ...
Alma Diamond (University of Michigan Law School) has posted Hares or Hounds? Originalism's Dilemma: Legal Formalism, or Judicial Neutrality on SSRN. Here is the abstract: The increased influence of ...
Brian Highsmith (Harvard University - Harvard Law School; Harvard University, Department of Government ; Arthur Liman Center for Public Interest Law) has posted Governing the Company Town (77 Stan. L.