The Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade that for decades has drawn lively crowds and joyous floats, dance and music to downtown Las Vegas is returning Monday morning.
(KTVE/KARD) — The city of Natchez will host its 2025 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr ... at the corner of Dr. M.L. King and High Streets for the best float. The parade is sponsored by the Natchez ...
Starting at 10:30 a.m., Bay Street began filling with floats ... MLK Day this year, the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Foundation believes having the parade during Black History Month maintains ...
Cold weather last month delayed the annual Oklahoma City Martin Luther King Jr. parade, but the weather ... high schools and colleges have entered floats and displays paying tribute to the late ...
A Martin Luther King parade descended into chaos in Los Angeles as a group launch barricades through street in a mass brawl. Footage of the brawl captures a group of males in an Los Angeles street ...
Every year, thousands of people line the parade route along Martin Luther King and Crenshaw boulevards to see the marching bands, colorful floats, dramatic drumlines, dynamic dancers, and there ...
The parade was led by civil ... Marching bands, floats, equestrians and other live performers made their way down Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard from Western Avenue to Crenshaw Boulevard ...
Music, vibrant floats, marching bands and dance troupes ... vendors and more. The parade is a Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Foundation, Inc. event supported by the city of Jacksonville.
The parade was rescheduled from its original date on Saturday, Jan. 18, during the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday ... the lineup of marching bands, floats, equestrians, community groups ...