Alas, another State of Play has come and gone without the barest hint of Bloodborne, and long-suffering Hunters have inevitably done what they do best, taking to social media to post through the pain.
It was an unexpected reunion for workers at Quassy Amusement Park. A stolen carousel figurine taken from there 40 years ago has been recovered. The owner said he was surprised to find it and is ...
Another tiny figurine was even discovered inside a lawmaker’s office in the Cannon House Office Building. Capitol Hill mystery: More of these little Jesus statues are popping up all over the ...
MIDDLEBURY, Conn. (WTNH) — After nearly 40 years since the disappearance of the Lake Quassapaug sea monster carousel figurine, the theme park is happy to have it back! The sea monster ...
Just before February's State of Play presentation aired, rumors began to swirl that a Bloodborne remake, or at the very least a remaster, could be imminent. Of course, the State of Play came and went, ...