“Bad Sisters” just completed its second season, having premiered in 2022. Based on the Belgian series “Clan,” from 2012, “Bad ...
But generally, we priests tend to enjoy humor and even have a fair stock of ... nor for society, nor for the church. Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) is the head of the Catholic Church and ...
Pope Francis has spoken about humor several times throughout his papacy ... more like old bachelors than wedded to the Church, more like officials than pastors, more supercilious than joyful ...
When a girl in my youth group at Restoration Church in Yakima found out our youth leader, Zach Elander, had been diagnosed ...
where a church choir sings Christmas carols. “People are going to get a kick out of the situational comedy,” Derk said. “There’s a lot of humor, and it’s lighthearted, but while having ...
Beef & Boards Dinner Theatre will present an unprecedented five new shows to its stage in 2025, headlined by the Broadway ...
Father Tom Fitzgerald — a priest known for his sense of humor and his welcoming ways — died Dec. 29 at the age of 84, with ...
After fans noticed Jill Duggar’s husband Derick Dillard chatting with her estranged father Jim Bob Duggar in a family ...
Ernest Berry, who grew up in Amherst County, had worked at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Lynchburg since 1957.
Patty McCarty, former copy editor, poetry editor and writer for the National Catholic Reporter, died just before dawn on ...
Coyne, the founding pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, died Dec. 31 at Villa Rafaella ... Coyne put his foot down — lightly and with humor. “We were in the rectory having breakfast ...
The official state funeral service for former President Jimmy Carter is being held at the Washington National Cathedral on Thursday. Follow here for the latest live news updates.