Fires fade, but From Software's Dark ... Souls 3's original release. In this mod, the session won't be ended when a player dies. Instead, they will respawn in the same world at the last bonfire ...
It's time to head back to Lothric, Ashen One, because the best mod ever made for Elden Ring has now come to Dark Souls 3 ... level and rest together at bonfires in the same instance.
One modder remedied that issue in Elden Ring, and now they’ve done it again for Dark Souls 3. Modder ‘Yui’ has ... and resting at a bonfire resets the world state for all players.
Pontiff Sulyvahn stood out as one of the more difficult bosses in Dark Souls 3. This imposing foe is found just after the Church of Yorshka bonfire in the Irithyll of the Boreal Valley.
A new Dark Souls 3 mod enables seamless co-op with up to five players, allowing for a cooperative experience from start to finish. The mod synchronizes Dark Souls 3's NPC dialogues and talk events ...
The Dark Souls III seamless co-op mod by Yui is from the same creator who made Elden Ring’s Seamless Co-Op mod. Alongside the announcement of the mod, the creator released a video showcasing the ...
Fists and Claws are rather uncommon melee choices in Dark Souls 3, yet they offer unique strengths and special benefits for those who master them. One of the heaviest of its kind, the Greatsword's ...
The Dark Souls 3 seamless co-op mod dodge-rolled out of cover just a few weeks ago, from the same modding talent that added seamless co-op to Elden Ring and, most recently, Armored Core 6.It wasn ...
Download for free files to Dark Souls III. Dark Souls III download section contains: 35 Mods and Add-Ons, 8 Trainers.