Lake Mead falls to lowest level since Hoover Dam's construction as "apocalyptic" heatwave and drought hit parts of US.
If you look at the last century in New Mexico, stretches of higher temperatures have lengthened; heat waves are hotter and ...
extraordinary drought inflows as climate change has hit the basin hard,” Mitchell said. The 2007 agreement governing the two reservoirs came at a time when both Lake Powell and Lake Mead were ...
The river is shrinking due to climate change. The nation’s two largest reservoirs, Lake Mead and Lake Powell, created by dams on the Colorado River, have reached record low levels in recent years amid ...
extraordinary drought inflows as climate change has hit the basin hard,” Mitchell said. The 2007 agreement governing the two reservoirs came at a time when both Lake Powell and Lake Mead were full, ...
Arizona has been fighting for years over how to make rules for groundwater basins that have none - at the expense of other tough water conversations.
Which leads to perhaps the most uncomfortable point that no one wants to make in rural Arizona: Groundwater work ground to a halt for years as Arizona negotiated the 2019 Drought Contingency Plan ...
extraordinary drought inflows as climate change has hit the basin hard,” Mitchell said. The 2007 agreement governing the two reservoirs came at a time when both Lake Powell and Lake Mead were ...