Lake Mead falls to lowest level since Hoover Dam's construction as "apocalyptic" heatwave and drought hit parts of US.
Just three years ago, persistent drought and overuse were rapidly tanking Lake Mead, the nation’s largest reservoir. The federal Bureau of Reclamation had issued an ultimatum to Arizona, California ...
Lake Mead and Lake Powell could be in for another record year for low water levels as a snow drought persists throughout the Western U.S. With minimal snowfall in the last two months, the Colorado ...
File photo: Low water levels due to drought are seen in the Hoover Dam reservoir of Lake Mead near Las Vegas, Nevada, on June 9, 2021. The recent wet conditions over California allowed for some ...
This year's storms won't erase looming drought worries across the entire southwestern U.S., experts fear. Of particular concern are the giant reservoirs of the Colorado River basin, Lakes Mead and ...
Just three years ago, persistent drought and overuse were rapidly tanking Lake Mead, the nation’s largest reservoir. The federal Bureau of Reclamation had issued an ultimatum to Arizona ...