Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo headline Marvel's new Star Wars ongoing series that takes place during the New Republic era.
Legendary X-Men author Chris Claremont will spin a sequel story 40 years in the making, with Wolverine and Kitty Pryde.
Marvel’s dynamic X-Men duo is making a comeback! Wolverine and Kitty Pryde is the new X-Men team-up series coming our way, ...
Comics like Baby Blues and The Boondocks highlight the '90s while strips like Peanuts and The Far Side continued to captivate ...
Ultimate Wolverine #1 tops the Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List, followed by Rogue, GI Joe, Amazing Spider-Man, Storm, ...
Man & Human Torch and Haley Quinn & Poison Ivy remain just as dynamic as DC's classic team-up between Batman and Robin.