Sweden also allows “protective hunting,” in which lynxes deemed a threat to life or property can be killed. In Jämtland county, 12 lynx were reportedly shot in January to protect reindeer ...
In the months since the defeat of a ballot measure aimed at banning the hunting of mountain lions, bobcats and lynx, wildlife ...
Hunters currently cannot hunt from a wheelchair because the chairs are legally defined as a vehicle. The bill will change that.
Animal rights groups push for bill to ban big-cat hunting and trapping in Colorado, but the bill fails to pass the House ...
By Shreya Dasgupta Sweden has issued licenses to hunters to kill 87 Eurasian lynx between March 1 and Apr. 15. Conservation ...
“The lynx hunt denies Swedes and the citizens of other EU Member States their legal right to expect wildlife diversity and ...
Jonny Hanson offers practical ways to live in harmony and share landscapes with these magnificent neighbors and other animals ...
New legislation proposed by Alberta's government would make hunting in a wheelchair legal and permit kids as young as 12 to ...
Minnesota has the third-largest lynx population in the United States, after Alaska and Maine. Current estimates for lynx vary ...