Thornburg Village, also known as the “Normandy Village,” is like finding a unicorn in your backyard – unexpected, magical, ...
No, it’s not a new hipster bar in San Francisco or a trendy yoga pose. It’s actually a state park that’s been hiding in plain ...
C.S. Lewis's 'The Chronicles of Narnia' series has captivated readers since its debut in 1950. The series has seven books, ...
She is expected to create two feature movies set in the world of Narnia for Netflix. The first movie is set to be released in 2026, and speculation is already ramping up about what approach Gerwig ...
The Narnia reboot, helmed by Greta Gerwig fresh off Barbie’s success, offers a strong test case for this expanded theatrical strategy.
The Mercator projection, a cylindrical map introduced by Geradus Mercator in 1569, distorts the true size of countries on ...
Epic Games shows fans the Fortnite OG Chapter 1 Season 2 map, letting them see which POIs are returning to the game.
Their whereabouts baffled historians for centuries until 2012 when experts with the British Museum analyzed the 400-year-old “La Virginea Pars” map drawn by one of the colonists named John White, ...
The fate of the settlers who founded the "Lost Colony of Roanoke" in what is now North Carolina remains unknown.
Musk has railed against red tape surrounding the tech sector in Europe; he runs a huge Tesla factory in Germany, a country where he has focused much attention, and is planning a contentious ...
However, Netflix could begin with unfamiliar ground: The Magician’s Nephew has never been adapted for the screen, and could reintroduce us to Lewis’ world while simultaneously exploring something new.