The drama tells the story of a cold case that went unsolved for 16 years and the arduous journey to finding the killer.
What Will It Remind You Of?: Besides various incarnations of Moby-Dick, there are hints of the more genteel Cast Away and the similarly harrowing The Perfect Storm or (gulp) Alive. Not a romp, in ...
Award-winning storyteller Bil Lepp told humorous stories, and he reprised his story of John Hendrix, the prophet of Oak Ridge and a local legend. Josh Goforth told a funny story about his Papaw, ...
If you’re looking for a mid-week watch that will warm your heart, you’ve found the perfect pick. “Lion” is a big-hearted ...
Netflix has added Lion, a truly heartbreaking movie that had audiences in floods when it originally came out. The word spread ...
Award-winning storyteller Bil Lepp told humorous stories, and he reprised his story of John Hendrix, the prophet of Oak Ridge and a local legend. Josh Goforth told a funny story about his Papaw ...
Netflix's new number one movie has divided fans - but what do you think? The new film Mary is a coming-of-age biblical epic which tells the story of the birth of Jesus from the perspective of his ...
Netflix just announced the release of Monument ... the environment around to let the character progress the levels. The story is largely told sans words, but the MC Escher-esque levels are a ...
Taron Egerton is back on our screens with a new Netflix thriller - but is it worth the watch? The story follows a TSA agent who is blackmailed by a mysterious traveller into letting him take a ...
In the Heart of the Sea,' which was released in 2015, tells the story of the whaling ship Essex’s distressing journey in 1820 ...
according to his interviews in the Netflix series. “The Kings of Tupelo” tells the story masterfully through interviews with the characters involved in the ordeal that played out for more than ...