Maple Sugaring Tidbits • The production of pure maple syrup is the oldest agricultural enterprise in the United States, ...
Butterfly populations in the U.S. declined by 22% from 2000 to 2020, with 13 times as many species declining as increasing. Butterflies are disappearing in the United States. All kinds of them. With a ...
Experts recommend vacuuming or sweeping out stink bugs that are already inside homes. You can also attract them with a light ...
Hummingbirds are on the move back to the United States after spending the winter in Mexico and Central America. Here's how ...
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the DNR has been offering weekly alerts about species passing through or stopping in Michigan.
Cicadas are juicy, red-eyed bugs that emerge in writhing masses every once in a while. And one of the largest cicada broods around will emerge in certain places of the U.S. this spring. Pennsylvania ...
These boldly colored migratory birds spend the colder months in the southern United States and begin returning to Michigan in ...
A sweeping study for the first time tallies butterfly data from more than 76,000 surveys across the continental United States. The results: Butterflies -- all of them -- are disappearing.