Ma’o hau hele Hibiscus brackenridgei • Endangered since 1994 • Population of about 100-300 • Lives for over 5 years • ...
The bountiful creatures sequester carbon and are a vital food source for marine predators, but their future is uncertain ...
Even when we think we know everything, or that we think we have a grasp on what species occur in our environment, we don’t,” ...
Researchers previously believed that a small, bushy seaweed in the Baltic Sea belonged to a species called narrow wrack. New ...
Eunice siphoninsidiator, or the tube ambushing marine bristle worm, was discovered within the structure of glass sponges by a human-operated deep-sea vehicle far off the southern coast of Japan, ...
Saint Mary's, the small school in San Francisco's East Bay region, keeps piling up wins at the rate that only the blue bloods ...
After years of steady gains, a decades-long conservation program dedicated to the Kemp's ridley hits rough seas ...
As climate change accelerates, finding effective solutions that deliver outsized impact becomes increasingly crucial. Now, ...
The sea cucumber’s color is “unique,” researchers said, and its smaller number of tentacles (15 compared to 18 found in other related species) sets the animal apart. The species earns its name from a ...
Terrifying, supergiant seabugs can be found underneath the ocean, but this one looks like the Star Wars villain, Darth Vader.