The five eclectic members of “The Breakfast Club” — “a brain, an athlete, a basketcase, a princess, and a criminal” — are the blueprint for Hollywood’s American high school. “The Breakfast Club,” ...
Even movies that don’t feature fast car chases, huge explosions and sword fights require special effects — including 1985’s ...
a behind-the-scenes look at the “origins of the Brat Pack” and commentary from Hall and Nelson. In 2018, meantime, The Criterion Collection released a special Breakfast Club Blu-ray that ...
When John Hughes wrote “The Breakfast Club,” he had his eyes set on the stage — not the big screen. Adam Fields oversaw the production of the iconic 1985 flick and, 40 years later, shared some insight ...
John Hughes’ classic coming-of-age film “The Breakfast Club,” originally released Feb. 15, 1985, recently celebrated its 40th anniversary. The film, groundbreaking at the time, changed the archetype ...