Art21 is the world’s leading source to learn directly from the artists of our time. The mission of Art21 is to educate and ...
How can we help our students develop the ability to hold genuine, face-to-face conversations? In a world dominated by digital and increasingly shortened communication methods and quick exchanges, ...
Robert Ryman talks about his approach to painting, and the influence of music in his work. ART21: How do you approach making a painting? RYMAN: My approach tends to be from experiments. I need the ...
Artist Jenny Holzer and poet Henri Cole discuss how their collaboration began, and the ways in which their work together has evolved since. ART21: How did the collaboration between you two start? COLE ...
Alfredo Jaar discusses his works Rwanda Rwanda and The Silence of Nduwayezu, both part of the artist’s six-year Rwanda Project. JAAR: It was my most difficult project. That’s why The Rwanda Project ...
Artist Vija Celmins discusses her upbringing and early influences on her work. ART21: I’m curious about this old painting you have in the studio. Have you been thinking about its qualities, in terms ...
Josiah McElheny discusses how he began working with glass, and his work’s relation to memory and history. ART21: How did you decide to start working with glass? MCELHENY: The way that I am is somewhat ...
Artist Judy Pfaff discusses the inspiration for and elements of her 2006 installation piece, Buckets of Rain. ART21: Can you talk about Al Held’s influence on your work and your show, which went up ...
Artist Oliver Herring shares the parameters outlining his participatory performance piece TASK, as well as why and how the piece is art. ART21: Can you talk about getting people to stretch their ...
Artist An-My Lê discusses her process of aestheticizing war, and the thinking behind her choice of black and white photography. ART21: There must be a fine line between making a representation of war ...
Sam Ozer – Estás presentando Prêt-à-Patria (2021) para la Bienal de Venecia. Esta obra disecciona los símbolos del Ejército Mexicano y las nociones de nacionalismo y la cultura del machismo en general ...
Carina Martinez – ¿Qué te llevó a convertirte en artista, concretamente una artista que trabaja con distintos medios e intereses, como el cine y la pintura o el arte y la ciencia? Carolina Fusilier – ...