With the support of our sponsors and partners, GIJC25 is offering fellowships to journalists from the Global South and ...
The founder of the independent media site IStories talks about moving his entire newsroom abroad for security reasons and the ...
Do you want to promote local journalism and support media professionals in exile across Europe? Do you love to design and develop projects, write project proposals liaise with strategic partners ...
The spread of mis- and disinformation in Africa has seen everything from outlandish conspiracy theories to falsehoods about vaccines to dubious political messaging reach people across the continent.
The oil and gas industry is complex and notoriously opaque. But with new tools, it's become easier for investigators to dig ...
El periodista y editor exiliado Carlos F. Chamorro explica la necesidad de promover y apoyar a los periodistas que se ven obligados a abandonar sus países de origen debido a su labor informativa.
Un centro de espionaje ruso opera en un base militar del Ejército en Managua; Destituyen el jefe de escolta de Daniel Ortega; Ministra del MEFCCA cayó por corrupción en programas millonarios; Zozobra ...
A medida de que las organizaciones de noticias cierran o luchan por seguir informando con modelos de ingresos convencionales, muchos en crisis, la filantropía desempeña un papel cada vez más ...
In this GIJN webinar, Ron Haviv will explore the ethical and practical challenges of documenting conflict. He will discuss ...
A data investigation looked into the lack of transparency in Brazilian elections that allows candidates wanted for crimes to ...