“These are all reasonable motivations, but how can a man know if/when it’s time to make a change? If God called you to the pastorate at Church A, how could you know if he is now calling you to Church ...
The United States in particular has always had a moralizing streak that was destined to take on an international bent. This should come as no surprise for a nation founded by the Puritans. - ...
In Exodus 22.27 it sounds a lot like compassion; a poor man is in desperate need, and God hears his cry. But I think it’s a ...
“This article isn’t meant to be a discussion about mental illness or its treatment, but I’d like to consider what ordered anxiety might look and feel like in the life of a follower of Jesus.” - TGC ...
“Today, 37% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say they have a lot of or some trust in the information that comes from social media sites. This is nearly on par with the 40% of ...
“Called the CSB Grace Bible for Kids, it’s intended for children ages 7 to 12 and aims to enhance readability for young readers who experience visual stress.” - CPost ...
The role of “Prophet” in OT and early church was a unique office. These guys usually heard directly from God and were instructed to deliver a specific message, pretty much verbatim. Often to an actual ...
“The show’s primary purpose is not to educate but to entertain — while remaining true to the source material.” - RNS ...
“The Bible provides no chapter-and-verse that directly tells us what to believe about technology. Nonetheless, as we’ll find, the theological concepts that undergird it are woven throughout the ...
“25% say people in the United States have mostly negative views of men who are ‘manly or masculine’ … . But among Republican men, 45% do think people have negative views of masculine men” - Pew ...
“It’s not like the Episcopalians only give money at high rates. They also score near the top on putting up a political sign and working for a candidate. One type of political activity is highly ...