Stings from bees, wasps and hornets can be painful. To treat a sting and help relieve the pain, dermatologists offer these tips. It can happen fast. One minute the kids are all playing peacefully ...
Kick off your mornings with a one-hour sunrise session at 7:30 a.m., followed by focused parallel sessions diving deep into the hottest topics in cosmetics to cutaneous disorders, therapeutics to ...
How you style your hair can cause hair to look brittle, frizzy, and lackluster or even fall out. Follow these tips from dermatologists to help style your hair without causing damage. How you style ...
The American Academy of Dermatology’s award-winning monthly magazine, DermWorld, seeks candidates to serve as its next paid physician editor.
Find out what may be causing the itch and what can bring relief. If you have what feels like razor bumps or acne on the back of your neck or scalp, you may have acne keloidalis nuchae. Find out what ...
Hand rashes can be frustrating, especially when the cause of your rash is unknown. To help prevent a hand rash, dermatologists offer these tips. Is the skin on your hands dry, thick, and scaly? Do you ...
While medication can reduce (or clear) psoriasis, anything that irritates your skin can cause psoriasis to flare — even when you use medication. That’s why dermatologists help their patients manage ...
Research breakthroughs are giving patients with atopic dermatitis/eczema more ways to treat this condition. See what a treatment plan may include.
Corns and calluses are hard, thickened areas of skin that form as a result of friction or pressure on the skin. Corns and calluses develop naturally to help protect the skin underneath them. To treat ...
Even if you get inked by a licensed tattoo artist and follow the aftercare, your skin can react in weird and unexpected ways. Some reactions happen immediately. Others take weeks or years to appear.
How do dermatologists diagnose ringworm? A dermatologist can often tell if you have ringworm by looking at the infected area. Your dermatologist may also examine other areas of your body. It’s common ...
What do athlete’s foot, jock itch, and barber’s itch all have in common? They are all cases of ringworm. However, despite its name, ringworm is a skin infection caused by a fungus, not a worm. It is ...