Excitement is high in Ayodhya as it prepares for the big day. The Ram Janmabhoomi Temple in Ayodhya is set to mark the completion of one year of its operations on 22nd January 2025. A sea of devotees ...
Maharashtra minister Dhananjay Munde, who is under fire over the Beed sarpanch murder case, on Friday met his party colleague ...
Maharashtra Minister Dhananjay Munde, who is under fire over the Beed Sarpanch murder, on Friday met his party colleague, senior Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Chhagan Bhujbal in Mumbai. In a ...
The indecision of the then Maharashtra governor on the state government's recommendation to appoint 12 persons as MLCs is ...
Dhananjay Munde, who is under fire over the Beed sarpanch murder case, on Friday met his party colleague, senior NCP leader Chhagan Bhujbal, an official said ...