Swati Nakshatra will be ruled by Vayu Dev, the god of wind. Honoring him can bring virtues such as vision, adaptability, and ...
A massive police presence has gathered on Democracy Street in Raleigh. Julie McFadden has cared for over 100 patients in ...
Members of Arizona’s legal community, including attorneys, judges, public officials and others within the profession, joined ...
“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). This verse speaks volumes in its simplicity. It invites us to pause, ...
"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy." -- Jude 24 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used the beginning of ...
At different moments in my life, I have found myself being struck by the great irony that exists with water. The irony is that water can be a source of great beauty and great destruction.
In your spiritual home, "you are known. You are cherished. You belong. You find your purpose," Diane Yeutter writes.
This technique isn’t new. The Nazis, among their many methods of psychological torment, would separate family members to ...
Christian hope, as Pope Francis understands it, reminds us that a better and more just world is within our grasp.
An awakening to the holiness of God transforms lives. Not until we understand who God is in all His transcendent greatness do ...
Sadie Robertson Huff is warning us against the dangers of what some might think of as “casual” disobedience towards God.
Are you confident that God is watching you, listening to your words, and searching your heart during times of difficulty or ...