Pine Swamp Baptist ChurchPine Swamp Baptist Church holds Sunday school weekly at 10 a.m. and worship services at 11 a.m. Rock Creek Missionary ... Time and Adult Choir practice at 6:30 p.m ...
New Hope Baptist Church was named Birmingham’s top church choir in that survey. The quantity of high-quality gospel singing ...
APPLING, Ga. (WRDW/WAGT) - The First Mount Moriah Baptist Church of Appling celebrated its 63rd gospel choir anniversary this weekend. This month is Black History Month, and the Lucy Craft Laney ...
Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Solid Rock Baptist Church will be on Saturday, March 1st. Cooks will report at 7:00 AM and breakfast is served at 8:00 AM. It is open and free to all men, youth, and boys to ...
Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church of Plano, Texas, served on Trump’s first spiritual advisory council. I suppose the irony is lost on both Jeffress and Graham. Take, for example, ...
Location: Rock Port Baptist Church, Rock Port.
A new mural was made possible by the Lucy C. Laney Museum of Black History, the city of Augusta and other community groups. A local TV star has made his debut on one of our major networks. Maurice ...