Mountain lion hunting has been banned in Oklahoma for nearly 70 years, but select hunters may have the big cats in their ...
Oklahoma lawmakers are considering a bill that would allow the state’s Department of Wildlife Conservation to issue up to ...
After cougar cubs were verified in March in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, biologists say it's only a matter of time before the ...
It’s pretty exciting, considering this could be the first known cougar reproduction in modern times in the western Great ...
MONROE, La. (KNOE) - Meet Cairo! He’s a mountain lion at the Louisiana Purchase Gardens and Zoo in Monroe. General Curator ...
A trio of orphaned mountain lion cubs rescued in San Mateo County have recovered with specialized care in the Oakland Zoo’s ...
Here, a resident of Shingle Springs in northeastern California was shocked to discover that no one was kidding when they said ...
Portola Valley’s roaring passion for mountain lions brought forth a visit from the Oakland Zoo. Nearly 200 residents gathered ...
UVM touts an obscure name for its mascot, which is also known as a puma, cougar, panther and mountain lion. Here's how the VT ...
Wildlife officials confirm the first cougar kittens born in Michigan in over 100 years. However, they haven't been seen in ...
The three male kittens are part of the center’s native species conservation program. The species ranges from northern Mexico ...