Most people know Molly Ringwald as the red-headed teen in John Hughes movies, but before she became a star, she got to work with the one and only Gena Rowlands.
Hollywood is typically considered the pinnacle of success with fame, wealth, and opportunities without end. But not all actors are captivated by the glamour and glitter for eternity.
The Breakfast Club hit cinemas in 1985 and is still considered a pivotal film in the teen genre, launching the careers of the ...
In the 1980s, Hall became known as the 'nerd-of-choice' after starring in John Hughes' classic films such as Sixteen Candles ... However, he was let go at the end of the season, alongside his ...
The movie is inert, and then it ends with a silly happily-ever-after ending. Steve Carell got to make his film debut, though. From Hughes’ last film to his first. It’s not just that Sixteen Candles ...
This is a revamped attempt at this year’s ever changing NCAA tournament. And let’s hear in for the Big 10 who actually used ...
Sixteen Candles is another film in which the awfulness of a character ... She said she was so shocked by the end result that she slapped director Paul Verhoeven and immediately called her lawyer — but ...
Molly Ringwald has been reexamining her creative partnership with the late, great John Hughes - which spawned iconic eighties films like Sixteen Candles (1983), The Breakfast Club (1985), and ...