Originally pitched as a spin-off series, Star Trek Section 31 has become a standalone film. It will be streaming exclusively on Paramount+ from January 24. The movie brings back some old ...
Paramount Plus is yet to confirm the specific year that Star Trek: Section 31 is set in, but the streaming movie takes place ...
If the existence of your utopia depends on a bunch of secret, no-consequences war crimes, then it’s simply not a utopia. It’s Omelas. The debate over whether or not Section 31 betrays the fundamental ...
The Star Trek universe is about to expand once again, this time with a standalone film, Star Trek: Section 31. Scheduled to premiere on January 24, 2025, this highly anticipated feature ...
It would be understandable to describe “Space Seed” as a prequel to Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, given the way that film ...
Michelle Yeoh stars in new Star Trek TV movie Section 31, which is a Discovery spinoff that launches on Paramount+ soon.
Star Trek: Section 31 will be released directly on Paramount Plus, which is home to most other entries in the sci-fi ...