ShareThe campaign was electrifying and engaging. It was a day, precisely January 30, loaded with activities, all aimed at ...
In 2025, we’re still talking about the tapeworm diet. Here’s why you should stay well away from the extreme weight-loss ...
According to the journal Science, Striga ranks among the world's top seven agricultural pests, alongside wheat stem rust, ...
In the interconnected web of nature, small disruptions can yield outsized consequences. One such example comes from Central ...
When most people think of parasites affecting their pets, they imagine heartworms in dogs or roundworms in cats. However, ...
Nigerian climate change activist and Sustainable Development Goals advocate Abdurrahman Ali Alhafiz, aka Climate Bender, ...
Employees were handwashing at the prep sink instead of the hand sink. Water in a restroom was not 100 degrees Fahrenheit. There was no hand soap at a kitchen sink.
Researchers studying jaguars in Brazil's Pantanal region found dangerous parasites in the big cats' droppings.
Leishmaniasis is a life-threatening parasitic infection and one of the most concerning neglected vector-borne tropical diseases worldwide. Current leishmaniasis chemotherapeuticals are poorly ...
In the field of global health, climate change poses a severe and multifaceted challenge. The World Health Organization ...
Niger became the first African country to eliminate the parasitic infection onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness, and the fifth worldwide, according to World Health Organisation (WHO).
Multi-omics research is revolutionizing the field of tropical disease by offering a comprehensive approach to understanding ...