You may feel a bit more cautious and negative today as Mercury moves into Capricorn. It’s time to get serious and lay out ...
Your challenge is to not take this personally. Don’t be afraid to tell someone when they’re causing problems for you — but at the same time, don’t assume that just because others do things differently ...
It’s playtime! Today’s mobilizing Aries moon in your outgoing third house can put you in touch with partners in crime who are right under your nose. La luna is squaring off with retrograde ...
You’re a pro at holding onto things, Bull, and in some cases, those “things” might be old grudges. When today’s angry Aries moon in your twelfth house of closure spars with proactive Mars ...
You may gain clarity about the distractions that hinder your progress. This insight presents an opportunity to implement structures that promote emotional stability and productivity. By ...
You are loved, sweet Pisces. While you find solace in being alone because there is no fear of spending time with yourself, it doesn’t mean you don’t have a social side. By Mercury shifting ...
Quick to offense? You feel underappreciated as the moon and Mars clash. And after all you’ve done for others! It’s easy to cast blame under this cosmic weather. It will be less easy to take ...
** Do not be seduced by the propaganda of others today, because it's easy for this to happen. People might say or do things related to religion, politics or racial issues and what they say is off ...
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Here are the photos that defined 2024. Yale admits 10.8 percent of early applicants On Tuesday evening, Yale College admitted 728 students to the class of 2029 from a pool of 6,729 early applications.
This is a very important phase for Capricorn natives as Mars will move into the water sign of Cancer, and it will be in a debilitated state. For Capricorn Sun, Moon and rising, personal and business ...
JEMIMA CAINER: Most of us who survived the Nineties remember a Jaffa Cake advert with the woman reciting the phases of the Moon. Yesterday the Moon reached the first Quarter, or Half Moon in the ...