When Jesus was arrested, Peter took action. In a show of force, he drew his sword and cut off the high priest’s slave’s ear.
Sister Mary Petra Masek, OCD, of the Carmel of St. Teresa in Little Rock, celebrated 60 years as a nun during a Mass Oct. 5.
A surprise birthday dinner was held Sept. 25 at El Agaves Mexican restaurant in Hope for Father Nirmalraj M. Kambala, pastor ...
The Women’s Religious Discernment Retreat for single women 15 to 35 who want to learn about and discern a vocation to religious life will be held Oct. 19 at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Rogers.
A Catholic in Recovery retreat will be held Nov. 1-3 at Subiaco Abbey. The retreat is open to people in addiction recovery, including those with compulsions and unhealthy attachments, and their family ...
A Come and See Retreat for single women will be hosted by the Olivetan Benedictine Sisters at Holy Angels Convent in Jonesboro Oct. 26-27. To register, contact Sr. Cecilia Nguyen, OSB, vocations ...
The Beacon of Hope grief ministry at St. Joseph Church in Conway is offering a group support session, “Grieving through the Holidays,” from 1:30-3:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 26, in the Spiritan Center.