Torilena May Fields, 32, claimed she was “casting spells” when a dismembered body, believed to be her mother, Trudy Fields, ...
There are reports of several injuries reported after an express train collided with a goods rake in Tamil Nadu's Triuvallur ...
Texas: "Two people are dead and at least 35 others were affected after a chemical leak involving hydrogen sulfide occurred at ...
DENVER (AP) — 12 people have been rescued after they were stuck in former Colorado gold mine tourist site due to elevator ...
The Israel Defense Force confirms that an Unknown Drone was Intercepted earlier by the Air Force, over the City of Ashkelon ...
At least one person were killed and four others were injured after elevator malfunctioned in Teller County, Colorado mine; ...
Residents within about a 3,000-foot perimeter of the material have been urged to evacuate.- The evacuations were prompted by ...
Reuters لا يزال الناشط علاء عبد الفتاح، البالغ من العمر 42 عاما، في السجن المصري فاز الناشط السياسي المصري البريطاني، علاء ...
التعليق على الصورة، يمكن للصواريخ البالستية إيصال أنواع متعددة من الرؤوس الحربية بما فيها النوويةفي الأول من أكتوبر/ تشرين ...
نفى قائد رفيع في الحرس الثوري الإيراني الشائعات حول غياب قائد فيلق القدس اللواء إسماعيل قاآني، والتكهّنات حول اتهامه بالتجسّس ...
BBC تامير باردو: نحن بحاجة إلى استراتيجية لما بعد الحرب ولكن لا أرى ذلك يرى تامير باردوالمدير السابق لجهاز الاستخبارات ...