The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) conducts research on the conditions for peaceful relations between states, groups and people.
Sigurd Hovd has today defended his PhD thesis: ‘ Tools of War and Virtue: On the Effects of AI on Human Ethical Expertise in ...
PRIO’s Deputy Director Torunn L. Tryggestad and PRIO Research Professor Kristian Berg Harpviken are both appointed members of ...
Brun, Cathrine; Cindy Horst & Hilde Refstie (2024) Hva er veien videre for lokalt ledet respons? Et svar til utviklingsministeren [What road ahead for locally-led aid? Responding to the minister of ...
Serwajja, Eria & Hilde Refstie (2024) Self-reliance and refugee economics in Uganda, in Handbook on Forced Migration. Elgar Online DOI:
Moscow’s readiness to embrace such violent disruptors of stability in the Middle East as Hezbollah in Syria and Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank, and the Houthis in Yemen reveals the ...
Urdal, Henrik (2024) Kan man dele ut fredspris i en verden fylt av krig? [Can We Award a Prize for Peace in a World Full of War?], Aftenposten. 9 October. The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) ...
The PRIO Cyprus Centre cordially invites you to a presentation and discussion, with the authors, of its latest Policy Brief ...
Velkommen til boklansering av Inger Skjelsbæks nye bok "Sarajevos roser", hvor forfatteren vil presentere hvordan hun har brukt sin forskning om kjønn og seksuelle krigsforbrytelser som prisme for å ...
Talleraas, Cathrine; Marta Bivand Erdal; Marianne Friisberg Larssen & Andreas Forø Tollefsen (2024) Refugee journey ...
As 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the revised Geneva Conventions, which were developed to protect civilians during war, ...
Laulhé Shaelou, Stéphanie & Phoebus Athanassiou (2024) Cyprus in the EU and EMU: A Retrospect . Occasional Paper Series. NICOSIA: PCC .