Spacing | Canadian Urbanism Uncovered
Toronto, City of Gas, 1909-1936. As presented in the commercial photography of F.W. Micklethwaite Studio for the Consumers' Gas Company By Peter MacCallum. Once they had been declared functionally obsolete, most of the monumental industrial structures that figured on the skylines of North American cities throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries were promptly demolished, with no ...
Issue 67 — Noise - Spacing Magazine | Spacing Magazine
Sound is both inevitable and necessary in the city – we live close together, we need to build and maintain buildings and infrastructure, we need to socialize, we need to get around.
A View to A Kill - Spacing Vancouver | Spacing Vancouver
Jul 10, 2024 · What is the true value of a view? This question should be top of mind among all Vancouverites as the City of Vancouver Council considers removing the current view protections that have remained in place for 30 years. With the Council review set for tomorrow (July 10th), it seems appropriate to remind us—the Vancouver community—ofContinue reading "A View to …
Wheeling through Toronto with Albert Koehl - Spacing Toronto
Jan 6, 2025 · Albert Koehl is an environmental lawyer and a founder and coordinator of Toronto Community Bikeways Coalition.Spacing’s cycling columnist Sabat Ismail did a Q&A with him about his new book, Wheeling Through Toronto, published in May 2024 by the University of Toronto Press. Sabat Ismail: Could you please introduce your book? Albert Koehl: The name of my book is Wheeling Through Toronto: A ...
LORINC: The time to solve Toronto’s student housing crisis is now
Feb 1, 2024 · The federal Liberals spent a good chunk of January fixating on foreign students, and how Canadian universities and colleges have become addicted to the full-freight tuition they’re required to pay. Said students, the government contends, have placed an outsized burden on Canada’s buckling housing market. They are also forced to live in abysmal conditions. TheContinue reading "LORINC: The ...
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 083, The War on Bikes - Spacing Toronto
Nov 11, 2024 · With Premier Doug Ford’s repeated promises to rip up bike lanes in Toronto, and possibly even other Ontario cities and towns, we’ve decided to dive deep into why and what that might mean for the future or road safety and city planning. We have a panel discussion featuring Cycle Toronto Executive Director Michael Longfied andContinue reading "PODCAST: Spacing Radio 083, The War on Bikes"
S101S – Understanding Residential Density: Why is it so Confusing?
Feb 6, 2023 · What is residential density and why is it so confusing? Residential density is critical to urban planning. It refers to the number of people living in a specific area and is significant because it helps us understand how densely populated an area is. It’s also very controversial. In certain folks, increasing density evokes fear aboutContinue reading "S101S – …
ISMAIL: Biking a mile in another kid’s hood - Spacing Toronto
Oct 24, 2024 · This column introduces our new cycling columnist, Sabat Ismail, who will be contributing insights into cycling in Toronto. Sabat Ismail is an urban planner and artist based in Toronto. My fondest summer memories have always included me on a bike: biking down hills, passing by a chorus of chirping birds, watching rabbits scurry away asContinue reading "ISMAIL: Biking a mile in another kid’s hood"
S101S—Understanding Residential Density: FSR, Building Setbacks …
Jun 26, 2023 · What is Floor Space Ratio (FSR) and how does it interact with building setbacks and height regulations to create building forms and the ‘look and feel’ of a place? Having covered why residential density is it so confusing and the difference between net and gross density, it’s worth going into how regulations related to densityContinue reading "S101S—Understanding Residential Density ...
Establishing affordable creative spaces - Spacing Toronto
Oct 31, 2024 · This article is published in conjunction with issue #68 of Spacing magazine, which is focused on the state of the arts in Toronto. Look for it soon on the shelves of your local bookstore, or in your mailbox if you are a subscriber. Artists are increasingly being displaced from Toronto, and cultural spaces are closingContinue reading …